A payment gateway is a software application that functions as a channel between an e-commerce vendor’s website and the bank that processes a buyer’s credit card payment. A payment gateway can also process payments using methods such as debit cards and eCheck (ACH) payments. Show more The main work of the payment gateway is to securely transmit the buyer’s sensitive credit/debit card and bank account data to the issuing bank and other entities involved in the transaction. Start by checking our leader Stripe, and other recommended solutions in this category. Payment gateways send transaction data to acquiring banks and get replies from issuing banks about whether a transaction is accepted or declined. In short, payment gateways assist in effective communication between banks. 闪电加速器器VIP破解版
In order to devise this list of best Payment Gateway we have examined 271 various solutions currently available on the market, contrasting their features, ease of implementation, customer service, available integrations with other systems as well as mobile support using our patented SmartScoreTM rating system. This list has been created by Nestor Gilbert, our SaaS authority responsible for the Payment Gateway category.
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2Checkout is a leading global payment platform that processes global, local, and custom online and mobile payments. It supports multiple payment methods and provides secure processing services worldwide. It also maximizes your conversions by adapting to local aspects of your industry, including languages, currencies and payment options.
Amazon Payments is a payment gateway specific for Amazon shoppers and merchants. It comes in two packages – Pay With Amazon and Log In And Pay. The former is for online retailers who want to provide a smooth shopping experience while the latter allows buyers fast and speedy checkout on different sites.
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Authorize.Net is a payment gateway platform that ensures fast, reliable payment anywhere via any platform. Used by over 370,000 merchants worldwide, it provides the security and the infrastructure to ensure secure transactions. Authorize.Net also manages the transaction routing online without the need for software installation.
WePay is an online payment service that facilitates fully integrated payments with risk services to deliver desirable user experiences. Designed to provide optimal payment experiences and trusted by thousands of top platforms, it offers seamless and secure payment processing that’s compliant with government, bank, and card network requirements.